During the fall and winter semesters we offer in-person classes each Sunday in our church hall. Kindergarten through Grade 8 student classes begin at 9:30 AM and conclude at 10:50 AM, which is just before our 11 AM Sunday Mass. Our high school, Grades 9 through 11, religion classes are held Sunday evenings from 6 to 7:30 PM.
Our Religious Education program for the 2024-25 school year is now underway, but registration is ongoing. We welcome new students at any time. Please click here to download the necessary forms.
We utilize Pflaum Publishing’s Religious Education program which has been carefully evaluated and is required by our diocese. The Pflaum program includes options for home schooling / remote learning in each grade. Please call the parish office for more info on this option.
We strongly urge parents to make special efforts to give their children and teens religious education. Our parish’s structured curriculum is an important tool in our efforts to pass our Catholic faith on to the next generation. Please help us fulfill this important duty.
For questions about our religious education program, or to enroll your child, please contact the parish office at (814) 322-4789 or click here to send us an e-mail.
Our parish Director of Religious Education is Sister Karen L. Gruseck, CCW. Sister is a member of the Carmelite Community of the Word, a religious community dedicated to ministry only in our diocese.

Sr. Karen Gruseck, CCW
Sister is originally from Pittsburgh, with a degree in Elementary Education from Indiana University of PA, and graduate studies in Theology and Liturgy at St. John’s University in Minnesota.
She has taught at St. Michael’s Catholic School in Loretto, McNelis Catholic School in Altoona, and at both Bishop Carroll and Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic High Schools. She has DRE experience with several parishes and has been involved in adult religious education projects in Spirituality, Scripture, and Liturgy. We are grateful to have Sister serving both children and adults at St. John Vianney.
In baptism parents/guardians accept a serious responsibility on two fronts.
First is fulfilling the very serious obligation to make sure that you and your children attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. You must make sure your children have the opportunity to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and Holy Eucharist.
Second, there is an important and grave responsibility to make sure your child attends religious education classes. This obligation can be fulfilled by sending your child to a Catholic school or by helping your child complete parish religious ed classes.
At St. John Vianney CCD classes are taught by trained volunteers from the parish, all with proper child safety certification. We always welcome extra adult help with our religious education program. To volunteer, please contact our parish office at (814) 322-4789 or click here to send us an e-mail.